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Short bio

I am currently an associate professor at the University of Lyon 2 and a member of the SID research team of ERIC laboratory. I received my Ph.D. in computer science from the university of Bejaia (Algeria) and the university Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France) in 2016. I got a Magister degree from the university of Bejaia and an engineer degree in artificial intelligence from the university of Sétif in 2009 and 2006 respectively. My main research interests are secure data collection, key management in resource-constrained networks and graph database analytics for cybersecurity. I am looking for challenging issues related to the secure machine learning.


"Qui ne continue pas à apprendre est indigne d'enseigner." Gaston Bachelard.


I teach the following courses. All course materials are on the Moodle platform of Lyon 2 (authentication required) and also on my github.

  • Computer security (M1)
  • Hacking labs (M2)
  • Relational databases (L3)
  • Advanced databases (M1)
  • Networking (M1)
  • NoSQL databeses (M2)
  • Distributed storage and computing : Hadoop (M2)
  • Research methodology (M2)


  • C programming language
  • Front-end Web programming (L2)
  • Information systems modeling
  • TIC

Research & Development

"The Best for the Group comes when everyone in the group does what's best for himself AND the group." John Nash.

Research interests

  • Key management systems in sensor and IoT networks
  • Security issues in Networking
  • Cryptography
  • Resource-Constrained Networks
  • IA & Cybersecurity


I am/was involved in these research projects :

  • ROMANCE (FIL 2024-2025, project coordinator): cooperation with LIRIS laboratory. Modeling vulnerabilities in organizational information systems through knowledge graphs.
  • GLADIS (ANR PRCI 2021-2024): cooperation with SnT/university of Luxembourg. Graph-based Learning and Analysis for intrusion Detection in Information Systems.
  • BI4People (ANR 2019-2024): Le décisionnel pour tou∙tes (WP5 : data privacy).
  • CyberSecGraph (FIL 2021-2022, project coordinator): cooperation with LIRIS laboratory. Graph modeling of log files for attack detections in IoT applications.
  • DATACAP: PHC-Tassili (2017-2019): Handling Massive Data in Pervasive Wireless sensor Networks.

Invited speaker

Reviewing Activity

I have been involved in several journal/conference paper reviews. A selection of journals and conferences for which I was an invited reviewer follows.
Journals :
Conferences :


In my free time, I develop a website for making an appointment with a doctor in Sétif city (MVC architecture). Visit the website here. Your comments are welcome. The solution evolves to doctalys.


Most my publications are indexed on DBLP,  Google Scholar and ResearchGate.


Ph.D. candidates :

  • 2024 - : Abel Oroke co-supervised with J. Darmont at University of Lyon 2, France
  • 2023 - : Floribert Katembo co-supervised with F. Bentayeb at University of Lyon 2, France
  • 2020 - Thesis defended on 7 February 2024 : Sami Bettayeb co-supervised with H. S. Mounine at University of Khenchela, Algeria

Masters (recent students) :

  • 2024 : Kaoutar Bahri. Co-supervised with H. Seba.
  • 2024 : Athmane Mansour Bahar & Kamel Ferrahi. Co-supervised with H. Seba.
  • 2024 : Massaer Seck. Co-supervised with G. Gavin.
  • 2023 : Djameleddine Hamouche. Co-supervised with H. Seba.
  • 2023 : Mohamed Reda Kadri. Co-supervised with H. Seba.
  • 2023 : Floribert Katembo.
  • 2022 : Thi Van Thao Doan. Co-supervised with G. Gavin.
  • 2021 : Tom Djaaleb.

Visiting researchers

  • 2024 : Bilal Douas. Assistant professor at university of Jijel.
  • 2023 : Chahrazed Benrebbouh. Ph.D. student at university of Setif-1.


Campus Portes des Alpes
5 Av. Pierre Mendès France, 69500.
Bron, France.
mohamed-lamine.messai(at)univ-lyon2.fr / mmessai(at)acm.org
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